
Together with over 350 organizations and individuals, Amaro Foro demands justice for Stanislav Tomáš

Open Letter to demand justice for Stanislav Tomáš by ERGO Network (European Roma Grassroots Organisations Network)

President of the European Council,
Mr Charles Michel,
President Ursula von der Leyen,
President David Maria Sassoli
Ambassador Iztok Jarc,
Vice-President Věra Jourová,
Commissioner Didier Reynders,
Commissioner Helena Dalli,
President of the Committee on Civil Liberties,
and Home Affairs,
Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar,
ARDI Co-Presidents and Vice-Presidents,

Open Letter

29 June 2021

European Roma Grassroots Organisations (ERGO) Network, together with other Roma and pro-Roma and antiracism civil society organisations and individuals worldwide, would like to express our sincere condolences to Stanislav Tomáš’s family and loved ones, and hope that justice will be swiftly served.
We therefore call for an independent, thorough and objective investigation into the death of Stanislav Tomáš, a Romani man from Teplice, Czech Republic, who died soon after two police officers kneeled on him applying excessive and unnecessary force to immobilise him against the hot pavement, even after he was handcuffed.
We are greatly disturbed by the footage showing Stanislav’s last moments of life during a police attempt to detain him by employing excessive force.
The amount of constant pressure applied to Stanislav’s upper body, neck and nape were totally inadequate and disproportionate to the act of immobilizing and handcuffing person. Moreover, the immobilising and pressure continued long after he was handcuffed, until after he stopped screaming and moving. While the video ended before knowing for certain if he was still alive before the ambulance arrived, we can see that he was silent and inert. However, in the preliminary statements by the police, they deny that the officer’s tactics could have caused or contributed to Stanislav’s death, claiming that he died in the ambulance. Moreover, they declared that, according to the preliminary autopsy report, they had reason to conclude that he was under the influence of a foreign substance of an amphetamine nature, and the autopsy discovered pathological changes to the coronary arteries of the heart. Regardless of these circumstances, the actions of the police officers were thoroughly unjustifiable and disproportionate, and an abuse of power.
It is concerning that high-ranking Czech government officials, particularly the Minister of Interior and the Prime Minister, have backed the police officers when their role is to remain impartial and await the results of the official investigation into the case, allowing the justice system and those directly involved in the investigative process to do their job. Moreover, the Prime Minister rushed to conclude that Stanislav did not die as a result of the police intervention, based only on preliminary autopsy results, without waiting for the final results of the investigation process. Both officials also characterized Stanislav in derogatory ways to justify the police action and methods.
Establishing moral hierarchies about who should be protected before the law or about the level of a police response based on moral judgments and characterizations is very dangerous, especially coming from the highest level of the Czech political leadership and would constitute a violation of the police code of conduct and responsibilities. Police, especially in democratic societies and in the European Union, have an obligation to perform their duties in accordance with universally agreed standards of human rights and civil and political rights, regardless of the circumstances of a situation or the persons involved – and in this, the protection and preservation of life should have been their highest priority. Moreover, there is no evidence proving that the person posed any immediate threat to himself and / or others, and therefore the use of excessive force and constant pressure on his windpipe was neither legitimate, nor proportionate to achieve a legitimate objective, particularly after the handcuffs have been already placed. If it is disproportionate, the use of force has to be qualified and investigated as a criminal offence. Therefore:

  • We urge the EU institutions to call for an an independent, effective and unbiased investigation into the case, and that the police officers are thoroughly and duly investigated and sanctioned proportionately per the level of offense and harm perpetrated.
  • We are also calling attention to the need to safeguard the life and personal security of witnesses, their relatives and other persons close to them, from acts of intimidation or revenge and facilitate their access to be a party in the investigation and / or court hearings, as needed. Moreover, acts of intimidation of witnesses should be punished either as separate criminal offences or as part of the offence of using illegal threats.
  • It is crucial that the investigation into the police intervention also takes into account racial motivation, in line with European Court of Human Rights jurisprudence.
  • We call on the EU leadership, the Czech Government, the media and non-governmental actors to take a clear stance against antigypsyism and police violence, including in their public statements. Moreover, we call on state officials and the Czech media to refrain from blaming the victim and stigmatizing his family and loved ones. The focus should remain on the adequacy of the police response or lack thereof leading to the passing of Stanislav, and nothing else.
  • We call on the Czech Parliament, the Public Defender of Rights, and other responsible institutions to start an investigation into the biased, derogatory, public statements and possible related actions by the Prime Minister and Interior Minister vis-a-vis this case.
    We call on the EU institutions to launch a European-wide review of nationally used police techniques and methods, including whether the authorized methods for immobilizing and detaining someone include using the method of kneeling on the neck and to work with Member States to ban dangerous and life-threatening methods that can cause irreversible harm or death.
  • As human rights defenders, we take a strong stance against police violence and inadequate police response, particularly when interacting with people from racialised minorities.

Roma Lives Matter!


Amateur video footage was posted to Facebook on Saturday, 19 June featuring troubling images of the arrest of a man by three police officers in front of a group of bystanders who were visibly worried for the man’s safety, as he was kept immobilized by the application of continuous pressure to his neck and nape area for several minutes.
According to the spokesperson for the emergency rescue services in the Ústecký Region, Prokop Voleník, a scuffle had been reported between two people who were under the influence of narcotics at the time. “When the police patrol arrived at the scene, one of the men fled while the other was subdued by the officers and handcuffed,” police spokesperson Veronika Hyšplerová told the tabloid news server Blesk.cz. Police declared that the officers called an ambulance because the arrested man was under the influence of drugs.Police spokesperson Daniel Vítek stated that “According to the preliminary autopsy report, there was reason to suspect the man had been under the influence of a foreign substance of an amphetamine nature, and the autopsy discovered pathological changes to the coronary arteries of the heart.” According to police, Stanislav Tomáš collapsed and subsequently died in the ambulance called to the scene.
Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, who also chairs the Czech Government Council for Romani Minority Affairs, declared that “The court autopsy has clearly demonstrated that he did not die due to the intervention by police. This is sad, but a normal, respectable person would have a hard time getting into such a situation.” He backed the police officers in Teplice and thanked them for their intervention against Stanislav Tomáš. “If somebody destroys a car, is aggressive, and even bites a police officer, he cannot expect to be handled with kid gloves,” the PM commented.
Prior to the statement made by the Prime Minister, Czech Interior Minister Jan Hamáček also backed the police officers. “The intervening police officers have my full support. Anybody under the influence of addictive substances who breaks the law has to count on the police intervening. It is mainly thanks to the work of policemen and policewomen that we are among the top 10 safest countries in the world,” Hamáček commented in response to a police tweet insisting the Teplice incident is not an example of a “Czech George Floyd”.
Looking at the amateur footage, we can observe at second 0.6 the three police officers trying to immobilise a man who was already prone on the ground and who was resisting the way he was being handled, under the close scrutiny of a bystander. In about 10 seconds, two police officers manage to immobilise the man by sitting on him and using a lot of physical pressure: one police officer was positioned at the man’s head, pushing his left knee first onto his head against the pavement, and his right leg laterally and partially on his back, while bringing his hands together behind his back to place them in handcuffs with the help of the third officer, who also kneeled on the man’s back horizontally. The second officer, at first, just sat on the man’s leg, placing his whole-body weight onto his leg and then briefly changed into a kneeling position, using his left knee to press against both of the man’s knees while keeping his ankles still. In less than 1 minute, the third officer managed to place the handcuffs around the man’s wrists, but the two police officers continued to kneel on him, applying strong bodily pressure, despite the fact that he was already handcuffed. The police officer kneeling on the man’s legs then used his police phone (probably calling the ambulance) while continuing to press with both knees on the man’s legs; simultaneously the first police officer continued to apply pressure to the upper part of the man’s body and his right shoulder using his left arm, as well as on his coccyx using his right arm, while pushing his left knee onto his nape and neck, with his right knee probably pressed into the man’s back as well. At this point, people from the adjacent buildings started to scream and signal to the police officers, visibly concerned at the whole scene as it unravelled. Three minutes into this constantly-applied pressure, the second officer stood up while the first officer continued to apply the same pressure to the upper part of the man’s body, including his windpipe. Two passers-by came very close to the scene, one kneeling and trying to get a closer look at the man’s face and to talk to him, it seems. Around 4 minutes and 30 seconds into the video, the third police officer approached and again kneeled on the man’s right leg from the side, while applying pressure with his hands on his left leg. Five minutes into the intervention, the immobilised man stopped screaming or fighting visibly in the footage. After another 30 seconds, the first police officer finally removed himself from the man’s upper body, kneeling next to him instead and seemingly checking his breathing. The footage ended before we could understand if the man was still breathing and alive before the ambulance arrived.
Czech attorney Miroslav Krutina stated on the CNN Prima News channel’s 360° program that “Kneeling is quite a dangerous instrument”, adding that “if it were to be demonstrated that the kneeling was directly on the nape of the neck or on the neck itself, then it would not be proportionate.” He affirmed that he has consulted the Police Academy that trains officers in such methods. “Kneeling that would aim for the neck decidedly does not belong among the range of safe procedures. The reason is that it’s difficult to control the force of the pressure exerted,” he said, adding that in tense moments the technique can cause serious injury or strangulation.
According to Ondřej Moravčík, spokesperson for the Police Presidium, officers must pay attention to the principles of legality and proportionality when intervening. “The officer must assess the situation and decide which means of force will make it possible to achieve a purpose that is lawful and essential to overcome the resistance, or the escape of the person being intervened against,” Moravčík previously explained to news server Aktuálně.cz.
At the close of the video that was published on social media, it can be seen that the man stops making any movements or sound. “If the person is quiet, stops shouting, stops moving, then it would be time to start testing his vital signs,” news server Romea.cz reported that a police trainer said while watching the closing phase of the video of the police intervention, when Stanislav Tomáš has stopped moving and shouting.
Reporter Richard Samko, who watched the footage together with the police instructor, asked him whether the officers actually proceeded correctly if the video shows that the man had not been moving for about 30 seconds while the officer’s knee remained on his neck; the instructor said: “The patrol is beginning to examine what’s going on with him. He isn’t communicating anymore, but we can’t assess what happened there, what kinds of pressures were exerted.”
Unfortunately, the death of George Floyd, an African-American man subjected to a similar police approach in the USA, has not yet led to a ban of the police technique of using the knee on someone’s neck across all European countries, despite European wide outrage and follow-up European Parliament resolution. However, after the death of George Floyd, police officers in France stopped using the manoeuvre and have also stopped teaching it at their police academies. “During arrests it will be forbidden to apply pressure to the neck or nape of the neck,” the then-Interior Minister of France, Christophe Castaner, announced at the time.
Monika Šimůnková, the Czech Deputy Public Defender of Rights, has announced in an interview for ROMEA TV that she will be investigating Saturday’s intervention by the police patrol in Teplice after which 46-year-old Stanislav Tomáš, a Romani community member, died. “After watching the video of the intervention in Teplice and reading all of the available information, I’ve decided to use my competencies and the scope of activity made possible by the law on the Public Defender of Rights with respect to the Police of the Czech Republic to begin an investigation on my own initiative,” she told ROMEA TV. “This investigation will focus on the proportionality of the methods of force used during the intervention in Teplice,” Šimůnková said. According to her, the investigation will be launched in the next few days and the results will depend on how quickly the Czech Police provide her office with the relevant materials. “I don’t dare predict the timeframe, it could be weeks, it could be months. I am bound by my duty to maintain confidentiality until the case is closed and the entire matter has been investigated, but I will try to conduct this investigation as quickly as possible,” she said.
The Council of Europe (CoE) also published a statement on 23 June, “calling for an urgent, thorough, and independent investigation into the recent death of a Romani man in the Czech Republic after he had been apprehended by the police. Footage taken on 19 June from Teplice, Czech Republic, showing police intervention against a Romani man who later died in an ambulance is alarming and raises numerous questions about the circumstances of this tragic incident,” the statement by the Spokesperson of the Secretary General reads.

Signatories (from 30.6.2021)
Non-Governmental organisations

  1. European Roma Grassroots Organisations Network, Brussels, EU Roma Policy Coalition
  2. European Roma Rights Centre, Brussels, Belgium, EU Roma Policy Coalition
  3. European Network against Racism, Brussels, Belgium, EU Roma Policy Coalition
  4. EurodiaconiaBrussels, Belgium, EU Roma Policy Coalition
  5. Central Council of German Sinti and RomaGermany, EU Roma Policy Coalition
  6. Fundacion Secretariado Gitano, Spain, EU Roma Policy Coalition
  7. Roma Active AlbaniaAlbania, EU Roma Policy Coalition
  8. Phiren Amenca International NetworkBrusselsBelgium, EU Roma Policy Coalition
  9. International Roma Women Network “Phenjalipe”FranceEU Policy Roma Coalition
  10. European Roma and Travellers Forum (ERTF)FranceEU Roma Policy Coalition
  11. Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice, Brussels, Belgium
  12. ILGA-Europe, Brussels, Belgium
  13. AGE Platform Europe, Brussels¸ Belgium
  14. European Disability ForumBrussels
  15. CEJI – A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe, Brussels, Belgium
  16. Social PlatformBrusselsBelgium
  17. Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM)Belgium
  18. European Network on Religion and Belief, Brussels, European Youth ForumBelgium
  19. European Youth ForumBelgium
  20. Forum of European Muslim Youth and Student Organisations (FEMYSO) Belgium
  21. Fair TrialsBrusselsBelgium
  22. Collective Against Islamophobia in Belgium, Brussels, Belgium
  23. ternYpe – International Roma Youth Network, Brussels, Belgium
  • Albania
  1. Balkan Youth ActivismAlbania
  2. Rromano KhamAlbania
  3. Center for Social AdvocacyAlbania
  4. Institute of Romani Culture in AlbaniaAlbania
  5. Roma Women Rights CenterAlbania
  • Austria
  1. Romano Centro, Austria
  2. Roma Volkshochschule BurgenlandAustria
  3. ACT-P – Assisting Children Traumatised by PoliceAustria
  4. Verein Roma-ServiceAustria
  • Belgium
  1. Ahmed AHKIM/Roma and Travellers Mediation CenterBelgium
  2. Delaram RezaeikhonakdarBelgium
  • Bosnia and Hercegovina
  1. The Citizens’ Association for the Promotion of Roma Education “Otaharin”Bosnia and Herzegovina
  2. Women Association “Romkinja” Bosnia and Herzegovina
  3. Udruzenje “Ženska vizija” Tuzla, Bosnia and Hercegovina
  • Bulgaria
  1. INTEGRO association, Bulgaria
  2. Integro Association BulgariaBulgaria
  3. Amalipe CenterBulgaria
  • Canada
  1. Czech and Slovak Roma Association in CanadaCanada
  • Czech Republic
  1. ROMEA association, Czech Republic

  2. Life Together, Czech Republic

  3. Slovo 21 association, Czech Republic

  4. Life Together (Vzájemné soužití) Czech Republic
  5. Mgr. Jan Husák, Member of the Government Council for Roma Minority AffairsCzech Republic
  6. NGO RomanoNetCzech Republic
  7. ROMEA associationCzech Republic
  8. Slovo 21, z.s.Czech Republic
  9. Hana Franková, Organization for Aid to RefugeesCzech Republic
  10. Activist Lab – MgA Tamara MoyzesCzech Republic
  11. The Czech Helsinki CommitteeThe Czech Republic
  12. Organization for aid to refugees / Aneta SubrtovaCzech Republic
  13. CONEXE, Czech Republic
  • Croatia
  1. Antifašistički VJESNIK (Antifascist TRIBUNE), Croatia
  2. Roma recourse centre/ Jovan PetrovićCroatia
  3. Roma youth organisation of CroatiaCroatia
  4. Centre for Peace StudiesCroatia
  • Cyprus
  1. KISA – Equality, Support, AntiracismCyprus
  • Denmark
  1. Fair Play/ Henriette MentzelDenmark
  • Finland
  1. Anti-Racist ForumFinland
  • France
  1. La Voix des rromsFrance
  2. Le CRAN – Conseil représentatif des associations noires de France, France
  3. GATIEF – Martine SerlingerFRANCE
  • Germany
  1. Hildegard Lagrenne Foundation Germany
  2. Amaro Drom e.V.Germany
  3. RomaRespektGermany
  4. Independent Commission on AntigypsyismGermany
  5. Thomas Schmidt, Secretary General of the European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights ELDHGermany
  6. Society for the Research of AntigypsyismGermany
  7. RomaTrialGermany
  8. Romane Romnja InitiativeGermany
  9. save space e.V.Germany
  10. Amaro ForoGermany
  11. Dalit Solidarity in GermanyDeutschland
  • Greece
  1. Association of Roma Women of DendropotamosGreece
  2. Greek Forum of MigrantsGreece
  3. ANTIGONE- Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non Violence, Greece
  • Hungary
  1. Romaversitas FoundationHungary
  2. Romedia FoundationHungary
  3. We Belong Here AssociationHungary
  4. Diverse Youth Network Hungary
  • India/Nepal
  1. Asia Dalit Rights Forum/Dipanshu RathoreIndia
  2. Asia Dalit Rights Forum / Vinayaraj V.K.India
  3. Sabina Pathrose Good Shepherd Sisters India.
  4. GFoD/Johannes ButscherGlobal
  5. Aloysius Irudayam, Asia Dalits Rights Forum (ADRF)India
  6. Asia Dalit Rights ForumIndia/Nepal
  7. Dalit NGO Federation NepalNepal
  • Ireland
  1. Martin Collins / Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre Ireland
  • Island
  1. Ragnheiður Freyja Kristínardóttir, Island
  • Italy
  1. Il Razzismo è una brutta storia, Italy
  2. Associazione Romni APSItaly
  3. Associazione Rowni-Roma women network ItalyItaly
  4. Associazione rom e romnja EuropaItaly
  5. Romano drom Coop. Soc. Arl ONLUS, Milano, Italy
  6. Network Romani ItalyItaly
  7. Associazione rom in progressItaly
  8. ÀlteraItalia
  • Lithuania
  1. Roma Community CentreLithuania
  2. Public Institution Roma Community Centre, Lithuania
  • Kenya, Africa
  1. Global Voluntary Development AssociationKenya
  • Kosovo
  1. Advancing TogetherKosovo
  2. KOSINTKosovo
  • North Macedonia
  1. Regional Roma Educational Youth Association – RROMANorth Macedonia
  2. Lumijakhere Rroma, North Macedonia
  3. RROMANorth Macedonia
  4. Roma Democratic Development Association SONCENorth Macedonia
  5. Roma Women and Youth Association “LULUDI” North Macedonia
  6. Association of multiethnic society for human rights StipNorth Macedonia
  7. Association for Roma Women Development “Latcho Dive”North Macedonia
  8. Roma Lawyers AssociationNorth Macedonia
  9. 24VAKTI- SKOPJENorth Macedonia
  10. Coalition of Roma CSO’s “Khetane”North Macedonia
  • Malta
  1. Migrant Women Association MaltaMalta
  • Mauritania, Africa
  1. Sahel foundation / Brahim RamdhaneMauritania
  • Republic of Moldova
  1. Roma Women Network “Moldsolidaritate”Republic of Moldova
  2. Asociaţia Romilor din Republica Moldova „RUBIN”Republica Moldova
  3. Societatea social-culturală „TRADIȚIA ROMILOR”Moldova
  4. Asociaţia Obştească „SPERANŢA ROMILOR”Moldova
  5. Centrul Naţional al RomilorMoldova
  6. Comunitatea Romilor din mun. Bălţi „ŞATRO”, Moldova
  7. Asociaţia Obştească a Romilor din Municipiul Chişinău „AME ROMA”, Moldova
  8. Mişcarea Socială a Romilor din MoldovaMoldova
  9. Asociaţia Obştească „JUVLIA ROMANI”, Moldova
  10. Asociaţia etno-sociocultural-educativă „BAHTALO ROM”Moldova
  11. Asociaţia știinţifico-culturală „ELITA ROMANI”, Moldova
  12. Organizația Obștească „ROM CĂTUNARE”, Moldova
  13. Comunitatea Romilor din or. Fălești „ROM-SAM”, Moldova
  14. Organizația Obștească „ROMII CIOCĂNARI”, Moldova
  15. Asociaţia Obştească „Romano ILO”, Moldova
  16. Asociaţia Obştească „Comunitatea Romilor din Găgăuzia”, Moldova
  17. Organizația Obștească a Romilor din or. Otaci „BAHTALO DROM”, Moldova
  18. Fundația Internaţională de Binefacere a Romilor pentru Dezvoltarea Culturii şi Renaşterii Naţiunii „BARONUL MIRCEA CERARI”, Moldova
  19. Asociaţia Obştească „OPRE O CEACIMOS”, Moldova
  20. Asociaţia Obştească „ROMII în PROGRES”, Moldova
  21. Asociaţia Obştească „DROM ANGLE”, Moldova
  22. Asociaţia Obştească „AMARI EUROPA”, Moldova
  23. Asociaţia Obştească „POROJAN” Moldova
  24. Asociaţia Obştească „PETALO ROMANO”, Moldova
  25. Asociația Obștească „UNIUNEA INTERNAȚIONALĂ a ROMILOR”, Moldova
  • Netherlands
  1. Roma Utrecht FoundationNetherlands
  2. Roma Advocacy NetworkNetherlands
  3. India ki Rasta Foundation, Netherlands
  4. Salonica Utrecht Foundation, Netherlands
  5. Romane Sheja, Netherlands
  6. Roma Capelle, Netherlands
  7. Roma Overijssel Foundation, Netherlands
  8. Roma Media Group, Netherlands
  9. Nederlandse Roma Vereniging LelystadNetherlands
  10. Roma Committee against StatelessnessNetherlands
  11. Roma Foundation I am the WayNetherlands
  12. Koshish Foundation Netherlands (Art & Culture) The Netherlands
  13. Romane ShaveNetherlands
  14. RADIO PATRIN NEWS NETWORK, Netherlands-Ukraine-Moldova-Turkey-Portugal
  • Norway
  1. Inter African Committee Norway, Norway
  • Poland
  1. Jaw Dikh! Art FoundationPoland
  2. Cosmodernity ConsultantsPoland
  3. PADLINKPoland
  4. JAW DIKH! Art FoundationPoland
  5. Ad Lucem FoundationPoland
  • Romania
  1. Nevo Parudimos, Romania
  2. CADO-Advocacy and Human Rights CenterRomania
  3. REDI Brussels, Romania
  4. Partidul Phralipe al Romilor Judetul Botosani, Romania
  5. Asociatia Partida Romilor Pro-Europa filiala Botosani, Romania
  6. RUHAMA Foundation, Romania
  7. Association Rroma Center “Amare Rromentza”Romania
  • Senegal, Africa
  1. TrustAfricaSénégal
  • Serbia
  1. Roma Forum SerbiaSerbia
  2. Roma initiative for sustainable developmentSerbia
  3. Roma sport association FreedomSerbia
  4. Women SpaceSerbia
  • Slovakia
  1. Roma advocacy and research centreSlovakia
  2. Human Rights League SlovakiaSlovakia
  • Slovenia
  1. European Romani UnionSlovenia
  • Spain
  1. Fundación Secretariado GitanoSpain
  2. Federació d’ Associacions Gitanes de Catalunya (FAGIC), Spain
  3. Asociación Musulmana por los Derechos Humanos, Spain
  4. Asociación Nacional Presencia GitanaSpain
  5. Asociación Musulmana por los Derechos HumanosSpain
  6. Institute of Cultural Affairs, Spain
  • Turkey
  1. Zero Discrimination Association, Turkey
  2. Eurasian Rroma Academic NetworkSlovenia – The Netherlands – Turkey
  • United Kingdom
  1. Gipsy Strength, United Kingdom
  2. Gypsy CouncilUnited Kingdom
  3. Minority Rights Group International, United Kingdom
  4. Roma liveUnited Kingdom
  5. KaskoSan Roma Charity / Gyula VamosiUnited Kingdom
  6. Traveller PrideUnited Kingdom
  7. Care for young people’s futureEngland, United Kingdom
  8. European Network on StatelessnessUnited Kingdom
  9. Apna HaqUnited Kingdom
  10. Inequalities Research Network/G Mir, United Kingdom
  11. Alan Murray, All Faiths and None, United Kingdom
  12. Romano Lav, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
  13. Ashli Mullen (Romano Lav/University of Glasgow)Scotland, United Kingdom
  • United States/Africa/India
  1. Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (GFoD)Global organization New York/Dakar/Delhi
  2. Phoenix Forbes United States of America
  • No country mentioned
  1. Gipsy top team



  1. Ines Stasa, Albania
  2. Gerta Xega, Albania
  3. Benjamin Fasching-Gray, Austria
  4. Nicole GarbinAustria
  • Belgium
  1. Martin DemirovskiBelgium
  2. Ela GulerBelgium
  3. Simona BarbuBelgium
  4. Mediha HadžajlićBosna and Hercegovina
  • Bulgaria
  1. Bagryan MaksimovBulgaria
  • Canada
  1. Michael Cina, Canada
  2. Marek RybarCANADA
  3. Karicka OndrejCanada
  • Czech Republic
  1. Andrea Balážová, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
  2. Jan HorváthCzech Republic
  3. Julius MoroCzech Republic
  4. Andrej Sivak, Czech Republic
  5. Juliana vodrazkovaRomPraha, z.s., Czech Republic
  6. Gwendolyn AlbertCzech Republic / USA
  7. Alexandr Dzurko, Czech Republic
  8. Lucie Orackova Czech Republic /Netherland
  9. Sára KavurováCzech Republic
  10. Milan holan, Czech Republic
  11. Martin Dzurko, Czech Republic
  12. Michaela izerová, Czech Republic
  13. Sára Tanková, Praha, Czech Republic
  14. Adéla DeňováLiberec, Czech Republic
  15. Kevin lak, Czech Republic
  16. Simona slepcikovaCzech Republic
  17. Ivana GaziovaCzech Republic
  18. Simona ČernáCzech Republic
  19. Simona SlepcikovaCzech Republic
  20. Lackova Souhlasim, Czech Republic
  21. Martin KompushCzech Republic
  22. Alzbeta HarvanovaCzech Republic, town Teplice
  23. Julius HudiCzech Republic
  24. Robert HmilánskýCzech Republic
  25. Vladislav BandyCzech Republic
  26. DPrahaCzech Republic
  27. ZPraha 3Czech Republic
  28. Ondrej KarickaCzech Republic
  29. Zuzana Pavelková, Czech Republic
  30. Aneta MidlochováCzech Republic
  31. KaterinaCzech Republic
  • Croatia
  1. Josipa Lulić, Croatia
  2. Milan Mitrović Croatia/Slavonski Brod
  3. Ines Salimović, Hrvatska, Croatia
  4. Nikolina Đurđević, Croatia
  5. Petra MaticCroatia
  • Denmark
  1. Emil Novák-Tót, Denmark
  • Finland
  1. Marko Stenroos, Finland
  2. Vivian IsbergFinland
  • France
  1. Reneta LIDKOVAFrance
  2. Danièle MARYFrance
  3. Ingo RitzFrance
  • Germany
  1. SuzanaGermany
  2. Beatrix TessmerGermany
  3. Alina MaggioreGermany
  4. Taisiya SchumacherGermany
  5. Kelly LaubingerGermany
  6. Esther BendelGermany
  7. Dr. Hilde HoffmannGermany
  8. Anna FriedrichGermany
  9. Toralf StarkGermany
  10. Lisa-Marie HeimeshoffGermany
  • Hungary
  1. Georgina LabodaHungary
  2. Szilvia FRANKHungary
  • India
  1. Paul JesurajaIndia
  2. Nayantara RajaIndia
  3. Conor DervanIreland
  4. Irene Siragusa, Ireland
  5. Valentina De AmicisIreland
  6. Gentina JusufiKosovo
  • Lithuania
  1. Svetlana NovopolskajaLithuania
  • Mali
  1. Rhaichatou, Mali
  2. Rhaïchatou walet AltanataMali
  • Mauritania, Africa
  1. Aboubekrine El JeraMauritania
  • North Macedonia
  1. Fatma Bajram AzemovskaNorth Macedonia
  2. Nesime SalioskaNorth Macedonia
  3. Mustafa JakupovNorth Macedonia
  4. Daniela JanevskaNorth Macedonia
  5. Urmeta ArifovskaNorth Macedonia
  • Republic of Moldova
  1. ACOPERI/Israel Collier, Republic of Moldova
  • Netherlands/Syria
  1. Joost van der BraagNetherlands
  2. Marijke MandersNetherlands
  3. Froukelien IJntemaThe Netherlands
  4. Danial L.Netherlands/Syria
  • Portugal
  1. Bruno Fernandes PrudêncioPortugal
  2. Larry OlomofePoland
  • Romania
  1. Alexandra Grigore, Romania
  2. Mereuta Laurentia MarianaRomania
  3. Aida-Diana FarkasRomania
  4. Delia GrigoreRomania
  5. Marian MandacheRomania
  • Serbia
  1. Vera KurticSerbia
  • Spain
  1. Jordi Perales GimenezCatalonia, Spain
  • Slovakia
  1. Radoslav Gonbar, Slovakia
  2. Barbora Meššová, Slovakia
  3. Kristián Horváth, Slovakia
  • Sweden
  1. Jitka PallasSweden
  2. Former ARDI President Soraya Post, Sweden
  • Switzerland
  1. Elise M, Switzerland
  • United Kingdom
  1. Geiza KurucEnglandUnited Kingdom
  2. Marcela CinovaUnited Kingdom
  3. Bianca williams London, United Kingdom
  4. Michael DaducUnited Kingdom
  5. Sona PolakUnited Kingdom
  6. Michaela TologovaEnglandUnited Kingdom
  7. Patricia Petik, England, United Kingdom
  8. Vilem Kona, United Kingdom
  9. Jiri krichle, United Kingdom
  10. Jessica konova, United Kingdom
  11. Daniel Kona, United Kingdom
  12. Samuel Kona, United Kingdom
  13. Katerina Konova, United Kingdom
  14. Dr Laura CashmanUnited Kingdom
  15. Nadia SzomaUnited Kingdom
  16. Maria Hmilanska, United Kingdom
  17. Emil KompusUnited Kingdom
  18. Zaneta Kurecajova, United Kingdom
  19. Gabco Roman, United Kingdom
  20. Jiri, WalesUnited Kingdom
  21. Simona SlepcikovaEnglandUnited Kingdom
  22. Kristyna NemcovaUnited Kingdom
  23. Simona PolakovaUnited Kingdom
  24. Roman KompusUnited Kingdom
  25. Kristyna NemcovaUnited Kingdom
  26. Irena CisarovaUnited Kingdom
  27. Simona BihariovaLeeds, United Kingdom
  28. Daniela HmilanskaEngland, United Kingdom
  29. Radek ErosUnited Kingdom
  30. Veronika Balogova, United Kingdom
  31. Roman Mirga, United Kingdom
  32. Daniel SlepcikEngland, United Kingdom
  33. Nela, United Kingdom
  34. Miroslav HmilanskyBournemouth, United Kingdom
  35. Vera, United Kingdom
  36. Nela Erosova, United Kingdom
  37. Vladimíra SurmajovaNewcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
  38. Miroslav TulejNewcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
  39. Josef DaducUnited Kingdom
  40. K McCormickUnited Kingdom
  41. Jiří BartkoUnited Kingdom
  42. Barbora Sebkova, United Kingdom
  43. Pihik Stanislav, HalifaxUnited Kingdom
  44. Daniela KompusovaUnited Kingdom
  45. B. Yasemin Sidiqi, Newcastle Upon TyneUnited Kingdom
  46. Sarah-Jane chamberlain-Kent, United Kingdom
  47. Dr Lucie Fremlova, United Kingdom
  • United States
  1. Rachael DosenUnited States
  2. Zulfikar ReeseUnited States
  • *No information about the country
  1. Ondra Gizman
  2. Nistor

For more information on the joint letter and demands, please contact Isabela Mihalache, ERGO Senior Advocacy Officer at: i.mihalache@ergonetwork.org